XFileSharing FREE script installation (Jan 2010) Requirements: * Perl higher than 5.005 version [http://www.perl.com/download.csp] * MySQL database [http://www.mysql.com] * Apache mod_rewrite module * .htaccess files support [http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/enable-mod-rewrite-on-apache] * GD lib, GD perl mudule (Optional) [http://www.libgd.org/Downloads] [http://search.cpan.org/~lds/GD] 1) Copy all files from "cgi-bin" into your cgi-bin folder (or folder where your perl scripts running) Copy all files from "htdocs" into your htdocs folder (folder with your HTML files). 2) Set install.cgi permissions to 755. Then open it in your browser (e.g. http://server.com/cgi-bin/install.cgi) 3) After complete install delete install.cgi, install.sql files for security reasons. 4) Modify XFileConfig.pm file with your site details. 5) Change relative URLs in .htaccess file in htdocs to your own ones. If you don't have .htaccess support on your sever you should copy .htaccess files source to httpd.conf and restart Apache. -------------------------------------------- Admin area available on link: http://YOURSITE.com/admin You should specify password for it in 'admin_password' fields inside XFileConfig.pm If you want to modify script layout you can find .html files in Templates folder: main.html - main design file, other templates been inserted into it upload_form.html - index page with upload form progress_bar.html- template for upload progress bar upload_results.html - page with generated links after upload download.html - download page message.html - error/status message page delete_file.html - page showed when you're about to delete file with Delete Link confirm_email.html - upload notification email to admin confirm_email_user.html - upload notification email to recipient Also you can put any .html pages in Templates/Pages folder and access them via URL: http://YOURSITE.com/XYZ.html where XYZ.html is existing file. Default static files: tos.html, faq.html, contact.html XFileSharing forum: http://www.sibsoft.net/forum/xfilesharing-f6.html Contact: info@sibsoft.net -= www.SibSoft.net =-